Comment 366 for bug 263435

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In , Flamingspinach (flamingspinach) wrote :

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the first and third links describe workarounds that flash developers can use to get firefox to play nicely with their own particular SWFs. The second link describes a workaround that you can use to redirect keyboard input around and into firefox if need be. None of them describe a way to actually fix the problem in firefox. Even if they did, the first and third links are SWF-specific and thus irrelevant, and the second link has relatively detailed instructions. First, why would it take several weeks and USD 750, and second, what exactly are these RentACoders proposing to do?

What we need is not coding man-hours from some random people, but decisive action from Mozilla personnel to fix the paradigm which causes Firefox to display this behavior. As the maintainer assigned to this bug, Josh Aas, mentioned earlier, the roadmap for the new paradigm that will fix this bug is listed in detail at . They are working on it (though it's been a year since that page was last updated...), so we should all shut up, as people have said multiple times.