Comment 342 for bug 263435

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In , Bugzilla-kennel17 (bugzilla-kennel17) wrote :

I don't know if anyone's mentioned this, but IE7 (and presumably 8) handles this perfectly. It is also handled perfectly in IE6 under IETester, so unless that is something provided by IETester itself, this has been working in IE since before Firefox was born!

Using one of the special browser shortcuts within a flash movie works as you would expect (e.g. Ctrl-T opens a new tab).

The tab order for the page includes the Flash movie, e.g. when you get to the end of the tab order in Flash it then tabs out of the movie and round the rest of the page, up to the address bar and then back into the movie, again as you would expect.

If IE has got this licked, why is it still a problem in Firefox? It's no use shifting the blame to Adobe - that clearly isn't the source of the problem if IE is handling it OK!