Comment 233 for bug 263435

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In , Markhkamp (markhkamp) wrote :

As described by multiple people above, Firefox should receive commands that the plug-in does nothing with. However, there needs to be a way to still access browser shortcuts even if the same keystroke is in use by the plug-in content. I suggest that *a shortcut to move focus to the parent object* be added. The problem with this is that virtually every keystroke combination imaginable is used by some applet or another, so it'd be hard to find a good shortcut for the focus shifting. This is further complicated by the fact that different platforms and desktop environments have different system shortcuts/commands. I suppose we'll need someone with both a Mac (running whichever version of OS X Firefox requires) and a PC (with at least XP, Vista, and Linux (on both Gnome *and* KDE; maybe XFCE too)) to try a bunch of combinations and see which ones, if any, are still available on all 3.

The other option to a shortcut to defocus objects and the "bubbling up" would be to have every shortcut user-configured, which would probably be too chaotic for even the most obsessive control freaks to handle manually. I'm strongly in favor of the bubbling up + defocusing shortcut solution; it's the simplest as far as the user's concerned (and probably to program), and it would be more intuitive of the options; although I wouldn't object to a manual override option being added later.