Comment 202 for bug 263435

Revision history for this message
In , Syskin (syskin) wrote :

I think it sounds like a reasonable "user expectation plan" but it would probably be next to impossible to implement:

- ctrl button, by itself, is often used to control flash games. Not sending this button to plugin will cause all sorts of problems by itself - and if you send it to plugin, you can no longer use it for ctrl-button combo in browser (I believe).

- keeping and maintaing a list of keys that work in flash and a list of keys which work in browser is strange and non-obvious. There will be endless discussions which goes where, and there will be a (sensible) argument that user doesn't know what to expect before he tries, etc. It also causes various plugin keystrokes to no longer work in new browser versions as the list gets revised (for example because of new feature which gets a new, previously unused, combo).

All that goes on top of the general problem that with current plugin API, keypresses are sent directly to plugin by OS and browser never even gets a chance to see them. And there's no easy way around it.