Comment 179 for bug 263435

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In , Unknown-simplemachines (unknown-simplemachines) wrote :

(In reply to comment #178)
> Is the aim to make it clear that Firefox is not at fault for unexpected
> behavior, or to provide the expected behavior? I don't think it's a consistent
> policy to say XYZ shortcut keys work unless there's ABC plugin loaded in which
> case who the hell knows what will happen. These days most pages have plugin
> content so we might as well just ditch shortcut keys altogether if we're going
> to surrender them to any plugin that might feel the need to intercept them.

If you hate plugins, don't install them. There really aren't too many of these - Java, Flash, Shockwave, QuickTime, RealPlayer, Windows Media, and Adobe PDF. It sounds like you're probably really talking about Java or Flash.

The company I work for specializes in making interactive Flash. We have clients like Fox, ABC, etc. that ask us to create Flash pieces for them. Being able to capture keypresses is very important for making these things fit the spec - and if we had to tell our clients "oh, that will work in Safari and IE, but not Firefox"... that would really make Firefox look bad.

If you don't trust your plugins, uninstall them or use a content blocking extension. These are widely available and would of course prevent the plugins from capturing any of your keypresses.

As it is, when if I do some QA on the Flash sites we do, I typically get annoyed about the Ctrl-T issue a lot. It's funny, actually. Historically Flash people have not like Firefox - I've actually managed to convert everyone in my office to using Firefox. I really don't want to lose that because some people have Flash phobia.

If I'm playing a Flash space invaders game, and I press space, the *expected behavior* is for my ship to fire at the aliens. Not for Firefox to jump down the page. If I'm viewing a PDF in my browser (yuck), and I press Ctrl-F, the *expected behavior* is to search the PDF.

If I'm viewing a Flash app, and Ctrl-T does not work because the Flash app captures it, I will discontinue use of the Flash app.

It's pretty simple.
