Comment 176 for bug 263435

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In , Mozilla-bakerweb (mozilla-bakerweb) wrote :

Think about what focus means in this context. Focus, in my mind, is simply a way of describing to an application which object will receive an action. Why can something like a PDF have focus anyway? It makes sense for things that can be manipulated (e.g., text inputs, dropdown lists, etc.), but what sense does it make for objects that cannot be directly manipulated?

I realize this calls for a philosophical line in the sand. It depends on what your opinion of the role of a plugin ought to be, and how much leeway should be given them. There is no right or wrong answer. In my opinion, the only case where not giving focus to a plugin might be an issue is where a plugin is duplicating behaviors that a browser is already capable of (damned Flash forms, for example). I'm not personally concerned about breaking them.