Comment 168 for bug 263435

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In , Sy1234 (sy1234) wrote :

comment 167 brings up a very good point.

This is a similar concern which was addressed with the accesskey changes.

In my opinion it would be prudent to have only the plugin receive the hotkey so that the plugin authors can do as they wish. But then we get into a situation where there may be multiple plugins on the page.

We would also have similar issues as with the accesskey hotkey change. I myself can't stand the shift-alt-hotkey combination because I'm used to IE's functionality and the extra hotkey hurts my hands. There is in this case a user-setting which allows me to set my preference. Something similar to this would also need to exist for this plugin hotkey issue.

My vote would be to have a plugin focus concept.
- control-click a link to open it in a new tab (it has a plugin)
- control-w to close that tab
- control-click a link to open it in a new tab (it has a plugin)
- click on the plugin (eg a flash presentation)
- control-w is ignored by the browser and sent to the plugin
- click outside of the plugin (in white space)
- control w to close that tab

This is almost the current functionality, is it not?

Right now, we have this:
- control-click a link to open it in a new tab (it has a plugin)
- control-w is ignored

We should have this:
- control-click a link to open it in a new tab (it has a plugin)
- control-w to close that tab

So by default the plugin (flash, media player, whatever) would not have "focus" when it is first opened on the page. So that initial hotkey would work for the browser until the plugin is clicked.

This seems like a simple workaround for now.. thoughts?