Comment 15 for bug 1212455

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John Hupp (john.hupp) wrote :

In an off-Launchpad direct exchange, I received some direction that "You would want to bisect the mainline kernel instead of the Ubuntu kernel."

I should say more directly that I have never done kernel bisection until now, though I'm game for the effort. Nonetheless, very little can be taken for granted.

Does the above direction mean that when I get to the procedure "Commit bisecting Ubuntu kernel versions" at, I should use it only as some sort of a general guideline and switch to commit bisecting mainline kernels?

If so, I'm not seeing how. Still assuming that I should use git bisect, I'm not seeing an identifiable *mainline* git repo at, and alternatively I'm not seeing *git* repos at Perhaps there are non-Ubuntu-related mainline git repos somewhere that I should be using.

I'm sure this is all laughably self-evident to any developer reading this, but I'm just a somewhat experienced user trying to work in the higher realms where bugs are fixed, so kindly indulge me.