Comment 5 for bug 1048446

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Tommy Trussell (tommy-trussell) wrote :

Was reading an OpenSUSE discussion of this issue that contained two potentially helpful are the links:

The following RedHat bug includes an analysis of what Flash is using hal for:

The following Q&A includes info about building a version of hal in gentoo with minimal dependencies just for the purpose of working with Adobe Flash.

(Hmmm... makes me think someone could build a special flash-hal package that can be a dependency of Adobe Flash but conflict with "real" hal JUST for the purpose of allowing drm content.)

In case the item disappears here is what the two answers say:
HAL works on top of udev; it has never been "replaced by" it completely; those features that were can be disabled in hal (such as ACL management). There shouldn't be any conflicts as long as Flash Player is the only user of HAL.
[answered Apr 22 '12 at 14:49]

For anyone in my shoes who needs to get this installed, grawity's comments to his answer hold the key on how to do it. For an explicit step-by-step:

Step 1: Grab the code

# git clone
# git clone

Step 2: Install hal-info

# cd hal-info
# ./autogen
# make && make install
# cd ..

Step 3: Fix the hal code

To do this, replace all instances of #include <glib/gmain.h> with #include <glib.h>. You can do that with a command like:

# find hal -name "*.c" -print|xargs sed -i 's/#include <glib\/gmain\.h>/#include <glib\.h>/g'
For some reason, that missed one reference (I'm not really a regexp / sed guru) so I just did a grep -r "#include <glib/gmain.h>" * and fixed it manually.

Step 4: Install hal

# cd hal
# ./ --disable-policy-kit
# make && make install

Step 5: Don't forget the dbus config!

# cp hal.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d/

That's it! Now just run it with hald

[answered Apr 25 '12 at 17:08]