Comment 48 for bug 872207

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Doug Morse (dm-dougmorse) wrote :

On 2011-12-05 (Comment #37) Tim Penhey (thumper) wrote:
> I believe that Sam may have fixed this bug already.

Any further word on this? It's been over a month since Tim wrote this, and I still have to deal with this issue constantly re: menus either never appearing or disappearing immediately upon the slightest mouse movement. In direct contrast to zzarko (Comments #42 and #43), I do _not_ seem to have the problem when using CTRL-ALT-<Arrow> to switch workspaces, but rather when I enter Expo VIew to switch workspaces.

I understand the holidays slow things down and all, and I appreciate that most of the work is voluntary, but it'd be nice to have some information re: is the problem really fixed and, if so, what's at the root of it, when we can expect an update to correct it, and will the fix appear in ubuntu-backports or will we need to upgrade to Precise.

Thanks as always. --Doug