Comment 87 for bug 66566

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In , Gazzawazza-l (gazzawazza-l) wrote :

As a lowly user (not dev), please can we have some kind of option regarding ALT+ENTER behaviour? And to summarise my following comments, options for behaviour for CTRL+ENTER too? It could be just set in about:config, depending on how popular the alternative behaviours are. For example, CTRL+ENTER autocomplete vs open address in new tab.

I personally don't use ALT+ENTER for generating a URL in a new tab. In fact, I can't explain why but I've only just noticed its new tab behaviour literally today. For example, I use tab mix plus to generate duplicate pages with history when I need a new tab (using CTRL+T), except with links, when CTRL+mouseclick works very nicely. I do appreciate that users develop habits and look for flexibility in usage between keyboard and mouse actions, so if ALT+ENTER is good for someone, then that's what they like and why should they change. Having said that, I haven't ever used ALT+ENTER for that functionality.

I actually use ALT+ENTER with an extension called URL suffix (lovely, practical add-on IMO), which allows additional keystroke combos (beyond CTRL+ENTER) to generate additional URL prefixes & suffixes. I've configured ALT+ENTER to add a www. and to a URL. This 'open address in a new tab' honestly never used to occur (for me), so I sense something may have changed or has been updated in firefox, relatively recently, given I do use these keyboard shortcuts for autocompletion. I've found some references to loss of this behaviour when using tab mix plus. Most posts are ancient but there was an isolated report in Nov 2015, involving a beta of FF 43. Anyway, ALT+ENTER and firefox led me here.

I do agree with one contributor that one can't just bung in an option every time there's a conflict but when one's talking about keystrokes (both ALT+ENTER and CTRL+ENTER) which directly affect daily tasks/usability, perhaps there's an argument for considering support for alternatives. Standardisation is generally speaking good but we've got usage differences across browsers and platforms, which I can't see being harmonised easily and, depending on the solution, I would have thought we're not talking about much in the way of code changes, if we just added some choices in about:config. Sorry if I'm talking nonsense though - I'm not a coder.

