Comment 113 for bug 66566

Revision history for this message
In , Mak77 (mak77) wrote :

So, we apparently do:
ctrl => .com
shift => .net
ctrl + shift => .org

First, I'm not convinced .net and .org are more important than the other many tlds around, for example in a localized build it would be far more interesting to canonize to the local tld (for example .it for italian). I'd totally support ctrl+shift to complete to the localized tld rather than .org (though this would require localization support).
Second, I'd like if ctrl would be the necessary key to activate canonization in general, so all the shortcuts should required ctrl to be pressed. Shift is far too common when typing and as I said it's already used by tab/tabshifted, it's just confusing.
I understand changing this we could break muscle memory of a minority, but it's for a totally undiscoverable feature on less critical tlds than .com. and we're changing cmd on Mac already, for which we'll want a relnote.
I'd honestly propose to drop the shift and ctrl+shift behaviors completely.