Comment 8 for bug 64283

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offby1 (offby1) wrote : Re: [Bug 64283] Re: crashed when I opened a particular page

>>>>> "John" == John Vivirito <email address hidden> writes:

    John> Is this still and issue for you?

No, but (presumably) only because I've never returned to that page,
nor duplicated the exact sequence of steps that I went through when I
first hit the bug. I just made a feeble attempt to reproduce it, and
there was no problem, but for all I know I'm now using a different
version of firefox, with different plugins, and so on. In short, I
haven't the faintest idea if the bug has been fixed.

When I just need to kick back after a long day of changing 1.s
into 0.s and 0.s into 1.s, nothing satisfies my primal fish urge
better than a can of Genova [tuna].
        -- Ben Collins-Sussman