Comment 2 for bug 589116

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Keith Grizzell (grizzell) wrote :

That does seem to work, as does the same procedure except changing step 4 to

 4. Edit the 'Focus Prevention Windows' to read "!(class=Polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1) & !(class=Firefox) & !(class=SeaMonkey) & !(class=Chromium-browser) & !(class=Google-chrome)" (without the quotes).

That should exempt the indicated types of windows from the Compiz focus prevention behavior (as would step 4 in the previous comment, but this alternative should only affect the indicated types of windows).

Clearly this isn't ideal, especially since it does nothing if you aren't running Compiz. For anyone in that boat, a workaround might be to use something like Devil's Pie (Ubuntu package: devilspie) to control what happens to windows when they are opened. (I've never used it personally...)

After installing Ubuntu 9.10 and various versions of Firefox on both 10.04 and 9.10, I have decided this isn't a Firefox issue (or at least if it is, then it only manifests itself in 10.04). Notably, if you install Epiphany (the true default Gnome browser), it does not have any issues at all. My best guess at this point is that something in the upgrade from Gnome 2.28 to 2.30 (probably in the window manager, Metacity) caused this change in behavior. Next up (as time permits), replacing Gnome 2.30 with 2.28 in a Lucid Lynx install to see what effect that has. (Karmic Koala used 2.28, and had no problems...)