Comment 7 for bug 562802

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bedhead75 (bedhead999) wrote :

I can confirm that this happens to me running a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 (64-bit). I'm using the 195 .xxx Nvidia drivers that were installed with jockey. When running "top", I can see that the %CPU of Xorg process shoots up when scrolling through certain pages. This happens with Compiz on or off and appears independent of visual effects setting levels.

One thing I've noticed is that his consistently happens with text-rich pages, such as this very launchpad bug report page, but it doesn't happen for pages that have a lot of images. I can open up two tabs in Firefox, one for this page, and another with mainly images, and I'll notice that Xorg CPU use shoots up MUCH higher only when this text-rich is being displayed. It seems the problem is related to text rendering/redrawing.

I don't see any errors in the Xorg log, but I'd be happy to post more information or whatever log reports needed.