Comment 15 for bug 32891

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In , 62kmw3t2fpt6do3 (62kmw3t2fpt6do3) wrote :

Hello everyones,
I confirm this bug his really anoying fore people using more than one input method system at a time.
I use scim with anthy to write in Japanese and XIM with unikey or gtk-unikey to write in Vietnamese. Because it is not possible to change the input method direcly in Firefox I need to close all instances of Firefox and reopen with the right GTK_IM_MODULE variable set.

The discussion is on how to implement the input method switch for every input box. I suggest you simplify the problem by just giving one gtk-box somewhere (for exemple it could be an element of the toolbar).
When wanting to change input-method a right click on this box of the toolbar and it is changed for all Firefox. (^^)

Maybe see bug 247777 that speaks about pango and seems to be a cue for you.
Thanks all for your work, I would be so happy to see this bug fixed.
