Comment 128 for bug 303269

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In , Subscrg (subscrg) wrote :

Still FF 31.0 spell checker doesn't respect lang attributes in textareas:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
 <title>Textareas with different lang attributes</title>
  <textarea lang="it" rows="5" cols="40" spellcheck="true">Questa casella di testo contiene del testo in italiano</textarea>
  <textarea lang="en" rows="5" cols="40" spellcheck="true">This textarea contains english text</textarea>

Whit this code the spell checker will be set to English language on both the textareas, even the one that is clearly marked as lang=it; if I right click on the Italian textarea and choose Italian as language, BOTH the textareas will turn to Italian language!

Even if you remove the lang attribute on the html tag (which in my opinion shouldn't be necessary, since it correctly states that the text of the page is in English), the behaviour is the very same.

Compare this behaviour with what IE10 does: it correctly uses a different dictionary for each textarea; Chrome doesn't support more that one dictionary ad a time, so it's impossible it could work correctly.