Comment 0 for bug 300080

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In , Geode (geode) wrote :

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
Build Identifier: Firefox - Print Problem; (1)No Right Click Print (2)Highlighted Select Print pages

The first try to print - right click does ot bring up print menue.
The second try, highlight text to print, control P , Alt S
Great ! Printer prints --- except the break in the text for the next page
occurs in the middle of a line of text - hense the top half of the words are
printed on one page and the bottom half of the words are printed on the
following page.
Using the stock Mozilla print menue prints the whole page with all the extra
stuff in the margins and columns..... and only prints 1 page only the first
part of the text in the right column (which is several pages in length when
printed - highlight, control P, alt S )

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.go to on Gospel Library, Ensign Magazine articles
3.Print an article - selecting only the article text from among the web page
columns and boxes :>)

Actual Results:
1)Mozilla prints only the first page of the right column - plus all the excess
stuff in the left column
2)Control P Alt S print break for the next page in the middle of a text line

Expected Results:
1)should right click print.
2) highlight, control P , alt S , print - should break for the next page before
printing the top half of the last line in order to print whole lines on each

1)I prefer to have a right click, print menue option.
2)With the highlight text to print, control P, Alt S method - Obviously the
break for the next page needs to print a complete line of text - rather than
the top half on one page and the bottom half on the next page.

would be great to right click on a photo, or text box on a web page to bring up
the Mozilla print menue - then size the photo to fit .... 100% , 70%, fit to