Comment 51 for bug 26436

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In , Steve Castellotti (steve-theprofessionalamateur) wrote :

Background information, just posted this to the Ubuntu bug tracker forum listed in the initial bug report above. The problem I am investigating revolves around the Python gtkmozembed module.

The problem appears to be related to differences between Firefox and Seamonkey.

I've been tracking this bug across other distributions, including Fedora 7 and CentOS 5 and can confirm the issue is not specific to Unbuntu. The Segmentation Fault occurs when a "show_all" call is made to a parent window (such as "self.parent.show_all()")

The F7 release of gnome-python2-gtkmozembed (equivalent to the Ubuntu package in question) shows the python module itself being linked to the firefox libraries:

ldd /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0/ | grep fire => /usr/lib/firefox- (0x00be5000) => /usr/lib/firefox- (0x00ce5000) => /usr/lib/firefox- (0x00e63000)

If you install the "seamonkey" package and simply swap paths temporarily:

mv /usr/lib/firefox- /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/seamokey-1.1.3 /usr/lib/firefox-

The same code will work immediately. Python therefore needs its gtkmozembed module compiled against seamonkey, not firefox, in order to work.

If sample code would be of use I would be happy to oblige.
