Comment 2 for bug 24728

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whureu (whureu) wrote : Re: Firefox Unstable

Although I don't have specific info, I do know that it has nothing to do with flash. It is related to the browsers. I've been experiencing this problem, consistently (but irratically) for at least a couple of months (maybe more). Usually it's annoying but I've had enough.

A lot of the times it's when you are switching from one tab to another, or one page to another (e.g. via back button). Or at the end of a movie file (of any type, e.g. mpg, wmv, asf etc.). Today both the Mozilla and firefox crashed (which usually mean simply disappearing with any notice) while i wasn't even in the room (and not processes were going on). This final time, I was blogging, I was adding a link, when I decided to cancel the function and BAM! All my work was gone.