Comment 9 for bug 241937

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In , David Prieto (frandavid100-gmail) wrote :

"First off, this is an enhancement request."

Really sorry, that was one of my first times using this bug tracker. I didn't even see the "severity" field.

"Second, why should we not enable people to move the tab up or down? That is
standard FF functionality, and should not be removed."

Well, the functionality would be intact by using the favicon which takes us to the next point.

"Moving the Favicon is not very accessible in itself. A favicon is only 16X16px,
and so is harder to move. I think this should be WONTFIX."

As a user, I find the current behaviour TOO accessible, in that it has triggered by accident more usually than purpose. What's the use of dragging the tab to the browser to load it, anyway? Is it such a common action that justifies moving tabs more difficult?

I would rather be able to perform a common operation more easily (moving tabs) even if it implies making a less common operation (dragging to the browser) slightly harder.