Comment 3 for bug 228207

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John Vivirito (gnomefreak) wrote :

These are all bugs that have been reported. as for your answers i will redo them since i hit wrong key combo and deleted it all.
1) try using the extensions that we packaged in Hardy before using the ones from addon site, we cant support packages we dont package. so if its not compatible its easy to change in one of the files in the .xpi but look in Ubuntu for ours.
2)Java plugin might not have been upgraded when you upgraded to Hardy or its still in firefox-2 profile this was a bug before release as far as we have heard its been fixed.
3) your cnn issue is well known and being worked on. Please run locate if you see it please remove it unless your on 64bit also make sure you dont have swfdec in your profiles as that is causing crashes.

1)Its because the exsisting ones werent working clobbering profile how ever you want to look at it is because of a few reasons
A) they were not able to find updates for them
B) they are not our extensions that we package.
Please remember we cant support extensions from addon site. we can try but if ff cant find updates and disables them for that reason i suggest downloading the right ones for 3.0 or using ours.
2) there area lot of update-alternatives to use for browser and plugins look throught them and if for ff2 when you choose xulrunner please make sure its not xulrunner-mozilla-plugins as that is for 1.9 firefox 2.0 needs xulrunner package its version is 1.8
3) Can you please post the exact output when using APT-GET NOT APTITUDE as you stated they are autoremove that is a feature that is combined in aptitude but you need to run it in apt-get by stating autoremove in command. apt-get remove shouldnt remove most of them if not all of them. if you remove ff3 you might not want to remove xulrunner-1.8 as i recall it has a bunch of demands.
4) Java plugin problem doesnt sound like a firefox issue due to it wasnt ther ein ff3 and not there in 2 unless you switched browsers and thats why its moving around. All plugins in HArdy go to ff3 profile since it is default browser on Ubuntu Hardy this can be changed by playing with update-alternatives or you can give us more info on your system and maybe we can help you 1 issue at a time not all at once without any info on your system
As for me not caring that is not true. This is NOT a bug by definition, it is more of a complaint and complaints are not bugs and shouldnt be here. If you want help use or mailing list ubuntu-mozillateam found on or try or on IRC at #ubuntu-mozillateam.
if you want to file a bug please file a bug with 1 issue/problem per bug. as for your main complaint being to not include ff3 as default well if we didnt we couldnt support any version of ff since ff2 is about to reach EOS in a month or 2. Hardy will get all firefox3 updates and will be stable in a month to a month and 1/2 usless the blockers are harder than Mozilla realized but they are knowcking them out prtty fast right now we are just about ready for RC1 to be released. So we decided to make ff3 because of us being able to support it along with mozilla updates. ff2 wont be getting any updates from Mozilla fairly soon normall or 16 is last release for mozilla we are on at this moment. Im sorry you feel that ff3 shouldnt be default browser but we HAD to do this for Ubuntu stability changing default browsers in mid release is going to bring in alot of bugs (most of them you are seeing at this time per your bug) If we had any other choice that was a good idea nad will beable to support it we would have. Remember as much as everyone likes firefox and would rather use stable there are plenty of browsers in repos in Hardy to use until ff3 is stable like i said around june or july it will be stable (most likely sometime in june)