Comment 12 for bug 224966

Revision history for this message
John Vivirito (gnomefreak) wrote : Re: segfault in Xorg, gdm, compiz on scroll with firefox/webmail

Ok here is what i tested.
Went to above site with no compiz scrolled with mouse up and down, with arrow up and down, sliding the bar up and down = no crash
compiz normal enabled same tests as above = no crash
compiz extras enabled same tests as above = no crash
everything crashed because X crashed for some reason
Please try to obtain a backtrace when you can reproduce this bug
my screen res. is 1600x1400 i have a nvidia fx 5200 the common issue im seeing is both your X are crashing with gdm errors inneither log that you have given does it say anything about firefox. Leaving open until someone can reproduce this i will have a few of the Mozilla team members test this if they can.