Comment 28 for bug 220263

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Lutz (webmaster-phatsonic) wrote :

> I have grey buttons and black letters.

You think that's bad? I have black letters on black background for some sites and white on white for others... ;)

First things first:
- Hardy
- Compiz and Emerald
- Themes: "aud-Default" (Metacity) and "Enduro Black" (Emerald)
- Firefox 3.0b5 (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de; rv:1.9b5) Gecko/2008041514 Firefox/3.0b5 ID:2008041514)

I tried to just overwrite the themes colors in firefox, but it didn't work, although it should.
I made a file "~/.mozilla/firefox/MY_PROFILE_FOLDER/chrome/userContent.css" with this content:

input, textarea, checkbox, select, option {
 background:#FFFFFF none no-repeat;
 background-color: #FFFFFF;
 color: #000000;
button, input[type=button], input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=file] {
 background:#FFFFFF none no-repeat;
 background-color: grey;
 color: #000000;

Firebug showed me that the styles where used, but the input fields where still black on black.
BAD bug. The OS theme has to respect the firefox settings!

Next try:
Using the Web Developer Toolbar function "Add User Stylesheet". And here it gets strange: That worked perfectly!
The forms were usable and colored like I specified in the css file.

So it definitly seems to be a firefox-related bug. It's either a bug in FF3b5 or the Ubuntu integration fucked up somewhere along the road.

My short term solution: Having the css ready and use Web Developer Toolbar to repair non-working forms (like this one btw).
(And telling as many webdesigners as possible to fucking specify the colors they want on their sites. I really thought most people knew that by now.)

But that has to change pretty fast:
- Tools like Firebug (which I NEED for my job) don't really work in Beta5. (I made it "kinda" work, but it's next to impossible to use in the current state)
- Reinstalling FF2 didn't work on Hardy (couldn't find out why yet)
- And my Theme (which I can't change to a bright one without editing the configs for many apps that I changed to be white-on-black compatible) screws up many websites

I think I'm going on a vacation for a few weeks... ;)