Comment 106 for bug 220263

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In , Hewanci (hewanci) wrote :

Dear Rimas Kudelis,

Let me answer each of your points. I'll leave point 1; to the last

> 2. Content colors are user-managed, and default to black-on-white:
> use#w_change-font-color.

FALSE. Those colors have _nothing_ to do with default colors. They are override colors, that, when apply, override websites' CSS as well. By default they only apply with HighContrast theme, and no, "use system colors" is NOT enabled on my FF.

I just set those colors to bright red and neon green - guess what? Writing a review on is _still_ light gray on white. And that light gray is my system color, which shouldn't apply, yet it does.

Ever since I use Firefox with a dark theme (about 10+ years) this was broken. And currently there is no any way I know of, or that I could find via hours of Googling, to change the default colors Firefox falls back to if no color is specified.

> 3. On the other hand, form fields have always inherited the system-wide look
> by default.

And they shouldn't. Appearance, sure, but NOT colors. Colors of the host system should not, ever, under any circumstance affect the colors displayed in webpages, since webpages' look is independent of the host system.

> 3. Illegible text, whether in form fields or elsewhere, is pretty much
> ALWAYS the designer's (or rather person's who did the CSS work) fault.

I disagree partly. It is their fault that they didn't specify colors, and relying on the assumption that if no color is specified then background will be white and text will be black.

But it is not their fault, that this assumption is true in every single browser, except Firefox with dark theme. It is also not their fault, that Firefox, instead of implementing these common expectations as default, lets system colors bleed into webpages. And since we know that many-many webdesigners will be lazy, why not save our users from all that pain by implementing sane defaults?

Also, it's funny how parts of are affected by this issue.

> Back in the day, people used to validate their CSS
And in a perfect world they would still do it, but we are not living in a perfect world sadly, so we may as well account for that instead of sticking heads into the sand.

> Nowadays, everyone just blindly assumes that stuff will
> work after minimum testing on Chrome
If they don't have a dark system theme, it will work for them in every single browser in existence. Only Firefox, combined with dark system theme does break it.

So back to 1;

I'm desperate. I started using Firefox about 15 years ago because it was the best, and_most_customizable_ browser out there. It had its flaws, but we loved it regardless.

I had high hopes for Quantum, but instead it was a gigantic let down.
 - It killed off several amazing Addons, that are impossible to port to WebExtension because it's extremely limited.
 - Addon devs' feature requests for functionality allowing said mods to be ported were simply closed with "WONTFIX".
 - Even more customization was removed, partly by making it impossible for Addons to customize FF now (eg. Classic Theme Restorer with millions of users), turning firefox into the _least_customizable_ browser on the market.
 - The dark theme issue became MUCH worse. Until Quantum, I used a simple local CSS that was an effective workaround for 99% of websites. Now the system colors bleed into even more places, that I could only fix by overriding colors that then break other pages that were fine without it, plus local CSS is now unable to affect the Firefox GUI itself, making it impossible to fix this issue in the GUI.

Firefox is still better IMHO than all other browsers in many regard, but with every day I have to suffer with unreadable websites I feel more and more tempted to just go to Chrome. This is NOT an issue in Chrome (or any browser other than FF)