Comment 0 for bug 1916301

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Piotr (peterq94) wrote :

Dear Launchpad Team,

I can't play live videos from Youtube. I have problem only with live transmission. Normal videos works fine. I noticed that I also have this same problem on Focal (now I checked this on Bionic - Ubuntu 18.04.5). On Lubuntu 18.04.5 on other machine I don't have this problem. I can play on Lubuntu all Youtube videos. What is a problem? Do you know? Can you help? I think that by default Ubuntu have not necessary package to play live videos on Youtube. I have rigt or this is bug? On Answers anyone can't tell me if it is a bug so it is why I report this bug. It is not a bug I am very sorry.

This is link to video which I can't play:

Can you help me?