Comment 36 for bug 19066

Revision history for this message
In , Joao (joao-redhat-bugs) wrote :

(In reply to comment #3)
> So, I guess you can't have both worlds right now. I suppose a "Disable Pango if
> you want to read math" statement is needed in rather BOLD letters at Moz/Firefox
> Fedora pages/release notes.

This is an update to a release (FC3) for which MathML support existed so release
notes wouldn't make much sense. Breaking upstream features in an update does not
seem a good policy anyway...

From the point of view someone writing MathML pages this situation is a total
mess. It would be acceptable, but a pain, if one could detect from "Mozilla/5.0
(X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050323 Fedora/1.7.6-1.3.2" that
"This Mozilla MathML rendering has been broken for the sake of pango by your
Linux distribution. Get a copy from". Come on: one can do something
similar with IE with or without MathPlayer but not with Mozilla/Firefox with or
without MathML support?!

If the maintainer ever reads please consider (from the SPEC file I gather it was
not intentional):
-- reinstating MathML support in an update for FC3;
-- making lack of MathML support for FC4 or FC5 and later detectable by dynamic

or get pango vs. MathML fixed!