Comment 8 for bug 1697800

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hackerb9 (hackerb9) wrote :

Seth writes, "running a known-insecure webbrowser is probably a bad idea."

Agreed. Except I would say "definitely".

It's important that Ubuntu gets some sort of a fix soon. I've already seen a person asking on a forum how to downgrade and being told to install a third party package by hand. This is no better, and possibly worse from a security perspective.

Seth also writes, "None of the upgrade tools are in a position to check architecture features before installing a package. There may not be a happy solution here."

Again, I agree, the solutions I'm coming up with are not particularly happy. However, a solution is needed. In the short term, switching to ESR (as mentioned above) would let Firefox work on all supported architectures and have security updates. For the long term, well, I don't want to clutter up this bug — which is about an urgent problem needing an immediate solution — so I've filed Bug 1698501. I'll continue my response there.