Comment 29 for bug 1312376

Revision history for this message
In , Hiwatari-seiji (hiwatari-seiji) wrote :

Touch seems to work in Chromium (scrolling and swiping), as well as Xournal.

Additionally, in Chromium I tried:
document.addEventListener('touchstart', ...);
which worked and only fired when I used my finger as input.

But I can't tell you how exactly they implemented this, since, in a very short attempt, I was not able to get one of the touch demo applications of Qt to work.

The driver detects the device as 3 inputs:
- Pen
- Eraser
- Finger touch
in /dev/input, there is a mouse{X} file that only outputs data when the finger touches the screen. (And a second file for pen + eraser).

xinput list-props for the registered touch input brings the following output:

Device 'Wacom ISDv4 101 Finger touch':
 Device Enabled (139): 1
 Coordinate Transformation Matrix (141): 0.555556, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.878906, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
 Device Accel Profile (292): 0
 Device Accel Constant Deceleration (293): 1.000000
 Device Accel Adaptive Deceleration (294): 1.000000
 Device Accel Velocity Scaling (295): 10.000000
 Device Node (288): "/dev/input/event17"
 Wacom Tablet Area (389): 0, 0, 2958, 1673
 Wacom Rotation (390): 0
 Wacom Pressurecurve (391): 0, 0, 100, 100
 Wacom Serial IDs (392): 257, 1, 3, 0, 0
 Wacom Serial ID binding (393): 0
 Wacom Pressure Threshold (394): 0
 Wacom Sample and Suppress (395): 2, 4
 Wacom Enable Touch (396): 1
 Wacom Enable Touch Gesture (398): 1
 Wacom Touch Gesture Parameters (399): 129, 57, 250
 Wacom Tool Type (400): "TOUCH" (409)
 Wacom Button Actions (401): "Wacom button action 0" (402), "Wacom button action 1" (403), "Wacom button action 2" (404)
 Wacom button action 0 (402): 1572865
 Wacom button action 1 (403): 1572866
 Wacom button action 2 (404): 1572867
 Device Product ID (289): 1386, 257
 Wacom Log Mask (406): 0
 Wacom Debug Levels (407): 0, 0

That's as much information as I can give you.
If you have any other idea how I could debug this for you, please let me know.