Comment 13 for bug 129683

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Hobbittr (hobbittr) wrote : Re: [Bug 129683] Re: firefox crashed


Thank you for your nice reply which I am sure took away from something
far more valuable. I got snotty and should not have, I apologize.

Forums have usually been my lifeline in traversing the Linux world since
RH to Fedora Core now to Ubuntu. I love Firefox and only used Opera to
have a working browser. What I did was reverted back to Edgy from Feisty
and now everything works as I expect it to from Ubuntu. So the possible
causes of my problem may never be known. I had a lot of stability
problems when I upgraded to Feisty and it just was not worth the fight
to me. I love to play with Linux "toys" but I have other, more pressing
work to take care of and need my computer for those things.

Again thank you and good luck.


Alexander Sack wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 25, 2007 at 12:59:50PM -0000, Hobbittr wrote:
>> I sent you everything you asked for, someone didn't read it or give me
>> further instructions for how to send what you wanted.
>> Close it if you wish, I was trying to help, more than the help I got
>> from the bug report team...
> I am sorry, that the template used by hilario doesn't suite your
> particular case so here it comes:
> Crashes can depend on multiple factor ... from what I read so far it
> might all be related to a hardware error on your side ... and even if
> it didn't ... the procedures to extract the information we need to
> properly track down crash bugs didn't yield the information needed to
> process your bug; especially since you made clear that you followed the
> instructions line by line, it is unlikely that we can track this issue
> down without trying a lot of things manually ... which could be rather
> time consuming for you and for us.
> So to summarize, its not your fault at all that we couldn't get the
> right information from your bug report as it is now.
> If you are really willing to got into this further, we would need to
> look into this through some other support channel ... you can come
> into #ubuntu-mozillateam on freenode for example.
> Anyway, I read that you are now happily using opera which made me
> think that you don't really want to contribute that rather large
> amount of time to this bug.
> If I am wrong, visit us in the above support channel.
> Sorry that we couldn't help you so far and thanks for your
> contribution. I hope this explains a bit, why we rejected this bug
> ... have a nice weekend,
> - Alexander

"Men become civilized, not in proportion to their willingness to
believe, but in proportion to their readiness to doubt. " - Ambrose Bierce