Comment 12 for bug 129683

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Alexander Sack (asac) wrote : Re: [Bug 129683] Re: firefox crashed

On Sat, Aug 25, 2007 at 12:59:50PM -0000, Hobbittr wrote:
> I sent you everything you asked for, someone didn't read it or give me
> further instructions for how to send what you wanted.
> Close it if you wish, I was trying to help, more than the help I got
> from the bug report team...

I am sorry, that the template used by hilario doesn't suite your
particular case so here it comes:

Crashes can depend on multiple factor ... from what I read so far it
might all be related to a hardware error on your side ... and even if
it didn't ... the procedures to extract the information we need to
properly track down crash bugs didn't yield the information needed to
process your bug; especially since you made clear that you followed the
instructions line by line, it is unlikely that we can track this issue
down without trying a lot of things manually ... which could be rather
time consuming for you and for us.

So to summarize, its not your fault at all that we couldn't get the
right information from your bug report as it is now.

If you are really willing to got into this further, we would need to
look into this through some other support channel ... you can come
into #ubuntu-mozillateam on freenode for example.

Anyway, I read that you are now happily using opera which made me
think that you don't really want to contribute that rather large
amount of time to this bug.

If I am wrong, visit us in the above support channel.

Sorry that we couldn't help you so far and thanks for your
contribution. I hope this explains a bit, why we rejected this bug
... have a nice weekend,

 - Alexander