Comment 258 for bug 125970

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In , Hceylan (hceylan) wrote :

I think I have a clue for the reason some people here experience this problem as a small problem but some as a big problem. The reason is, the bigger the viewport, the worse the the situation is.

I have a Core 2 Duo 2,6GHz CPU, 4 GB RAM, nVidia Corporation Quadro FX 1600M (Tried both closed source / open source drivers W/ 3D available / not available) laptop. That is a monster laptop. The screen resolution is 1920x1200. Computer is running Fedora 9 / 10.alpha W/ Gnome. I tried 2.22 & 2.23 gnome / gtk versions.

Firefox is Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072301 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc10 Firefox/3.0.1

Now, I get very different performance between the states Firefox maximized and Firefox is 800x600 sized.

The sample site is
The values are given for 800x600 | ~1920x1200 window sizes.

Below are the comments for the QA

> 1- How many of you have smooth scrolling on?

off | off

> 2- "dead slow", "horrible", "unbearable", etc.. are very subjective adjectives
almost no lag | 10 sec
> 4- How many of you are mentioning webpages which have hundreds of validation
Only 2 HTML errors with '&' are not escaped as '&apm';

> 5- How many of you are mentioning webpages that have lots of images, which are

> 6- How many of you are mentioning webpages which would be considered - anyway


> 7- "'position: fixed;' is very importan for top menu on intranets": Do

Only 1 fixed div

> 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Now, I have got an objection here. Do the users, trying to help you out here, have to be the QA people for Mozilla or does Mozilla have a bunch of QA people, who can constitute good test cases out of information available. People, I see here are positively trying to help Firefox solve this issue. I think rather then storming at them, the time and efforts put by them should be appreciated.

Rather then expecting them to have the QA approach, expecting them to answer further questions should be enough.

And one last note I do not know excatly what that means but here is an excerpt from the bug header:
"QA Contact: Hixie (not reading bugmail)"

Hasan Ceylan