Comment 4 for bug 603629

Revision history for this message
Robert B (robertbub) wrote :

I don't think memory is the problem. Unless there is a cron job which runs at night eating up memory. I suppose that's possible.

In any case, below is part of my "top" output, sorted by virtual memory. There is plenty of memory.

I'll investigate whether a cron job is consuming and using up memory at night.


 top - 07:38:20 up 20 days, 34 min, 5 users, load average: 0.01, 0.06, 0.02
 Tasks: 174 total, 2 running, 172 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
 Cpu(s): 4.4%us, 1.5%sy, 0.0%ni, 94.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
 Mem: 1777004k total, 1730468k used, 46536k free, 150196k buffers
 Swap: 1999992k total, 6388k used, 1993604k free, 1029072k cached

  2008 user 20 0 409m 176m 32m S 12 10.2 18:55.10 firefox
   810 root 20 0 319m 56m 19m S 4 3.2 173:47.05 Xorg
  1167 user 20 0 82888 43m 13m S 2 2.5 73:19.19 compiz.real
  1170 user 20 0 171m 33m 18m S 0 1.9 0:24.85 nautilus
  1169 user 20 0 117m 20m 14m S 0 1.2 2:07.03 gnome-panel
  1048 user 20 0 116m 20m 3484 S 0 1.2 107:42.15 pulseaudio
  1200 user 20 0 41820 19m 11m S 0 1.1 0:00.50 python
  1173 user 20 0 25108 17m 10m S 0 1.0 11:44.71 x11vnc