Comment 2 for bug 520104

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midwestlinux (mosherjs) wrote :

This problem may be with Flash Player. For some systems when the flashplayer tries to use hardware acceleration the flash player starts to stutter or have other problems. I have this problem with a Dell Laptop with X3100 Intel integrated graphics card. It usually works fine for a while then becomes a slideshow. Try turning of hardware acceleration.

Right click on Flash Player. Click on Settings. Choose hardware acceleration panel. Unclick hardware acceleration.

If setting are grayed out then below may explain problem. In many websites the settings choice is grayed out. But it is available on the You Tube website. Once it is turned off at the You Tub website it remains off.

"Right-clicking on the flash movie also gives me a disabled "Settings..." option.

I've discovered that this is caused when the flash movie is set to be shown in windowless mode (wmode=opaque or wmode=transparent) in flash player 10.

For example, youtube and vimeo videos have wmode=window and doesn't have this problem, but Metacafe uses wmode=transparent and settings option is not clickable.

I've already reported this bug to Adobe (

(tested in hardy - FF 3.0.4 and Opera 9.62, flash player 10, both adobe-flashplugin and official tar.gz from Adobe)"