Comment 59 for bug 480671

Revision history for this message
In , Karl Fogel (kfogel) wrote :

For what it's worth, I too am having this bug, and likewise there is *no user error*.

We changed from Dokuwiki to XWiki, and in the course of this change (I wasn't involved), the wiki superuser account name changed from "admin" to "Admin". But Firefox of course still remembers the old "admin" username, and force-downcases it when I attempt to log in as "Admin". There seems to be no gesture I can make at the form field that will cause it to simply leave alone the text I typed.

I eventually solved it by editing Saved Passwords to remove the "admin" record for that site, but that took a lot of menu-exploring to find, and I'm not sure I would have thought of it if I hadn't Googled up this bug ticket. While it is a workaround, it is certainly not a solution.

I hope it's not too strong a statement to say that any form field that *imposes* history, offering the user no way to type something and have the result be literally what they typed, is a buggy UI. When I typed "Admin" and saw the lower-case "admin" appear as the only item on a completion selection list right beneath the form field, I mistakenly thought that all I had to do was *not* select that completion. After all, if the UI is offering it to me and I am purposefully not choosing it, then that not-choosing is a gesture the UI should respect. But no matter how hard I tried, every time I left that form field, my carefully-typed "A" got changed to "a". That wasn't happy-making :-).

[This is Firefox (okay, Iceweasel) 17.0.9 on a Debian "testing" dist system up-to-date as of today.]