Comment 86 for bug 455412

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In , euskal (jayerza) wrote :

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; es-ES; rv: Gecko/20070107 BonEcho/
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; es-ES; rv: Gecko/20070107 BonEcho/

four users reported this bug. Duplicating it here as it does not happens with other browsers in Linux, using the Xorg server with AIGLX enabled.

1st user: I'm using the Beryl SVN on Ubuntu Edgy, with the 'ati' driver & AIGLX. It is remnants of the autoscroll icon itself. It appears to smear down the page. scrolling regularly until they're off the page makes them go away.
2nd user: I get the same here... Nvidia Drivers 96.31, Gentoo.

the redraw bug when scrolling goes away, when swichting to metacity

I am using a IMPS/2 mouse (genius netscroll), when the midlle button is clicked the autoscroll icons copies itself to the bottom or top
3rd user: I have a problem similar to this.

Going to sites with menus that are stationary. e.g. Then scrolling makes the stationary items get drawn onto the non-stationary parts of the page.

please Check this video for details
*Attach: (media-video) @

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
You must have the xorg-server with the aiglx flag enabled.

1.Open firefox.
2.Click the autoscroll middle button
3.Scroll the URL given before.
Actual Results:
redraws of the autoscrolling icon, depending where you autoscroll, below our above.

Expected Results:
no redraws of the autoscrolling icon.

Since Ubuntu in it's new release is shipping by default with aiglx rendering enabled, I'll set the severity to Major. Because it really gives the user a very poor usability (or none), adding that the average user won't understand if this is a bug or a enhancement...
Please notice that this does not happen in other browsers in Linux (Epiphany, Konqueror, etc)