Comment 28 for bug 316373

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In , Christoph Anton Mitterer (calestyo) wrote :

To be honest, Mozilla,… as so many things you do… this is just ridiculous.

XML 1.1 is simply the newest version of XML,... it's standardised, it's recommended and it works just fine.

It seems that all other major browsers support it already (well it's eleven(!) years old).

You really became so much like Microsoft... deciding against well established standards and coming up with your own stuff.
Deciding against well working formats for obscure reasons just you don't like them... and this bug tracker already records so many of these cases (MNG, WebP, JPEG2000).

You don't let the users their freedom and have the community decided which standards and formats are widely used, but you forcibly take those decisions ... well as I've said... just as Microsoft does and did in the past.

You even admit (see the other bug reports), that you'd only start supporting new formats that you don't like, if massive pressure would be put on Mozilla so that you have no choice... as it happened with H.264... even though this is a bad example, as you supported "evil" there.

Really disturbing.