Comment 54 for bug 83118

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rjasmin (frazzledjazz) wrote :

IS MPL2 GPL compatible then? Theres no harm in adding in more Debain packages.UBUNTU clearly abuses that privilege enough already. Why tread on user freedoms and claim yourself free when you arent? Do like Debian does and disable non-free until the user makes the choice to use it. Inform the user of the NON-FREE changes like Debian does.PROBLEM SOLVED. No legal mumbo jumbo needed.
Iceweasel and ICeDove and IceApe/gftp are FREE. Firefox and thunderbird and filezilla ARE NOT. They are mozilla's means to an end and thier sacred cow on OSes like windows and Mac.They have every right to restrict themselves accordingly. It is unfortunate that Canonocial and Debian and Fedora teams have to sit by and take this NON-FREE abuse.

RedHat themselves can ship whatever they want as long as they tell you its NON-FREE.They have made it very clear that if you use RPMFusions software Fedora team WILL NOT support you.If Canonocial wants to go that route they are welcome to do so. Will come the patent nightmare and licensing issues. Will come the need to charge users to use things like DVD playback(already broken) and MP3 audio.

Linus himself is stumbling in the darkness and needs to be shown the way.Being FREE is a concentrated effort, you cant just blow it off and call everything free because you dont charge for it.The removal of MP3 codec from UBUNTU should have been enough of a patent nightmare wake up call. I see how you stumbled with THAT ONE. What I dont see is this so called FREEDOM on FREE software that is getting distributed on the net everywhere by everyone. You cant have FREEDOM if NON-FREE is forced on you.You have to be able to CHOOSE.