Comment 59 for bug 372103

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In , Antoine-monmayrant+mozilla (antoine-monmayrant+mozilla) wrote :

I think I experience the same bug in Thunderbird 3.0b3 under Fedora 11 64 bits
(Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090814)
(Fedora/3.0-2.6.b3.fc11 Thunderbird/3.0b3)
It occurs almost all the time even in safe-mode using a brand new profile.

Here are some observations I made:
- Crash occurs when pasting in the body of the message, not when pasting in the "To" or "Cc" fields.
- Crash can be avoided by using the kde clipboard klipper: Crtl-C in a given app (firefox or jabref) then Ctrl-V in Thunderbird leads to a seg fautl (idem using select/middle click) but Ctrl-C in a given app, then selecting an entry in the paste history of klipper then Ctr-V works (same for select/middle click).

Hope it helps,
