Comment 6 for bug 285080

Revision history for this message
markling (markling) wrote :

This effects me on a fresh install of Xubuntu 14.04 LTS. Installed about two weeks ago.

I am suddenly unable to download files. I have been blocked downloading a .pdf and a .zip.

Firefox gives me this error message:

There is not enough room on the disc to save /tmp/<filename>

Remove unnecessary files from the disc and try again, or try saving in a different location.

Thunar tells me my temp folder has 3.1kb space free. It has two folders in it of 1kb a-piece.

My home directory - where I was attempting to download - has 124Gb free.

I installed using the guided / partition wizard. If the partitions under my bonnet are full up already, it suggests to me a very serious problem with the install.

I had 8Gb in trash. Removed that. Problem unresolved.

Since having my computer on today I've done some browsing, opened a lot of tabs, briefly skimmed/skipped some streaming video, displayed some .pdfs in browser.

I'm using Firefox 29.

here's the output of df:

/dev/mapper/compo--vg-root 321041 262498 37449 88% /
none 4 0 4 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev 4 1779980 1% /dev
tmpfs 358844 1036 357808 1% /run
none 5120 0 5120 0% /run/lock
none 1794200 876 1793324 1% /run/shm
none 102400 28 102372 1% /run/user
/dev/mapper/compo--vg-tmp 368615 345060 3 100% /tmp
/dev/sda1 240972 48642 179889 22% /boot
/dev/mapper/compo--vg-home 133915952 5500128 121590252 5% /home
/dev/mapper/compo--vg-usr 8516872 5599420 2461772 70% /usr
/dev/mapper/compo--vg-var 2817056 886128 1768112 34% /var
/home/user/.Private 133915952 5500128 121590252 5% /home/user
/dev/sdb2 447233912 295719692 128772972 70% /media/user/74f8b831-ce17-4911-8787-162f5debcd24

$:/etc# du -chd1 / --exclude={proc,dev,media,mnt,tmp}

5.4G /usr
12K /root
1.0K /opt
1.0K /srv
11G /home
0 /sys
46M /boot
1.0K /lib64
9.5M /bin
12K /lost+found
du: cannot access ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied
1.9M /run
9.3M /etc
13M /sbin
208M /lib
851M /var
17G /
17G total