Comment 62 for bug 274065

Revision history for this message
In , Honzab-moz (honzab-moz) wrote :

Created attachment 349913
v1 for 1.8 branch

This is branch version of my fix for the psm/nss initialize.
- EnsureNSSInitialized is now designed to drop 'haveLoaded' flag when psm init fails (and when service is released) to allow retry later
- Moved thread creation from the constructor to safe position in Init() method; second creation caused deadlock of sockets
- Releasing the instance from observer service as Boris suggested; sufficient to let the service be released
- NSS generic constructors now fails when "@psm;1" could not be initialized; this probably also fixes bug 427715 (have no STR to check)
- This patch is missing a way to block second creation of nsNSSComponent instance (by accidental call of createInstance); should also be introduced?

Tested w/ and w/o Boris' patch for bug 462806 and isntalled FoxyProxy. No crashes.