Comment 112 for bug 255263

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In , nick parlante (nick-parlante) wrote :

In attempt to reduce confusion, let me try to summarize what's going on with this bug:

The symptoms of this bug, url's stop working etc., is due to a coding error in an extension.

Apparently this coding error is pretty easy to make, because many extensions have the same error, and the Delicious Bookmarks extension is just the most prominent one where they've figured it out and fixed it.

I've been in contact with the Delicious guys, and they're going to write a little summary of what the coding error looks like to make this bug, and I'll make sure that summary gets posted to this bug.

Once that's done, my hope is that we can contact the various extensions and point them to this bug saying something like "hey, look towards the bottom of this bug, there's a little code snippet which shows a problem which apparently your extension has". Also, obviously, the mozilla extension docs should get updated to point out this apparently easy error to make.

In the meantime, an excellent test to do is run your Firefox with just one extension and wait to see if this bug is present in that extension, so we figure out the list of extensions to contact.

I'm fairly certain that FlashBlock and Firebug both have this bug, but I'm sure there are more.