Comment 23 for bug 252079

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In , TR (sem101) wrote :

I'm sorry I wish I could have posted a solution for this.
I spent loads and loads of time on it before I simply gave up.
No-one has posted a solution.
All I have are pointers and clues

Deleting FF settings did NOT work for me - it was a complete waste of time and effort - I wish people did some fact checking before posting time-wastey 'tps' that are merely mindless repeats of solutions that do not work.

I also removed CUPS and every reference to it that I could find.
Nothing worked.
I just had to put up with this incredibly stupid flaw [I'm not sure if it's actually a bug] until it went away at some unknown point for some equally unknown reason.

I never found a solution and the problem was replicated in other installations.
I simply updated Firefox each time there was an update and used Konqueror as the print front end.
At some point the problem went away.
I cannot tell you when as by that time I'd stopped fixing it.

My guess/theory is that this is a result of another security lockdown somewhere else that affects CUPS badly.

If you log in as root and try your current & broken installation you may find that CUPS prints.

This seems to suggest that something else has buggered up permissions yet again.

I'm a 'normal' loonix user - in that I use it for everyday business purposes - I am not designing nuclear launch sites or administering 1500 mail servers - and I have found that the primary cause of pretty much every stop or problem I have come across ended up as the result of some security enhancement.
You know, sometimes people just want to use loonix as a general purpose tool.
fanatical security dogma is killing desktop loonix.