Comment 19 for bug 252079

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In , TR (sem101) wrote :

(In reply to comment #13)
I think you are absolutely right... and hope you have Cups-PDF installed??

The problem is that cups is a total pain on IA64 opensuse. Due to nutcase bizarro security I can rarely get into localhost:631 and configuring is mostly done using kde tools. There has been no printer change for some time now.. I simply do not have the will to break back into cups again - I have a non-conformist printer which takes about two days to install and configure. For the love of humanity don't make me do this! [nb printing works for every other app]

However, there is another development.. I had mentioned that FF 3.1 (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-GB; rv:1.9.1b2) Gecko/20081201 Firefox/3.1b2) began to show the same fault. This is on a netbook which has FF2 & FF3 installed. FF2 does not have the same symptoms. I started FF2 and looked at available printers. You are right, there is an additional CUPS-PDF printer. I have my original Cups-PDF printer and a new presumably Mozilla spawned, CUPS-PDF@cups. Printing to Cups-PDF is fine but output stalls if I print to [Mozilla] CUPS-PDF@cups. Interestingly the [fedora based] printer configuration panel did show this new printer but it’s now disappeared although the spooler is still visible and shows two stalled print jobs – one from OpenOffice as a test. I returned to FF3 on the netbook and printing became possible again – the new printer remains visible in cups admin, FF3 & other apps print dialogues. Weird.

Going back to IA64 opensuse and doing the same suggests that the hang/freeze/breakage is for a similar reason except that it does not visibly spawn this new printer. I seem to remember that installing Cups-PDF on IA64 opensuse was a sheer joy in that it was only intensely irritating and mindlessly time-consuming rather than the brain-exploding tear-inducing nightmare normally associated with cups. I’ll look at removing Cups-PDF.

I’m guessing this might have to do with Cups-PDF and think this should be a new bug report as it’s being buried as a windows fault that’s gone.