Comment 133 for bug 233901

Revision history for this message
In , Jehan-procaccia (jehan-procaccia) wrote :


I confirm the NEED for autoconfig ( or Mission Control Server whatever you call
it ...).
In our school, we "autoconfig" our 2000 students settings for mozilla mail an
navigator. In next september we'll be using Fedora Core3 which replaces by
default mozilla with Firefox and Thunderbird. I expect to keep on using
autoconfig ... as I documented it on (as already mentioned in this bug-report)
Now I tried to use it with thunderbird 1.0.2, but with no success. Maybe
beacause it is due to work only with 1.1 released !? as mentioned just above !.
Anyway, is the use of autoconfig with thunderbird is documented somewhere apart
from this bug report where I just learnt that the config file should be called
"tbird.cfg" . but where should it be positioned ? :
/usr/lib/thunderbird-1.0.2 ?

although I export NSPR_LOG_MODULES=MCD:5 ; export
NSPR_LOG_FILE=/tmp/thunder.txt , there is nothing written in my thunder.txt
debug file :-(

You also mention compiling thunderbird with -enable-extensions=wallet,pref, but
how do you check that a package distribution of thunderbird (FC3 RPM) is compile
with that option !? in firefox you go to the URL "about:buildconfig" but here ??

Finally, I should mention that firefox 1.0.3 seems to allow autoconfig to work ,
but I still have lot of problems ... especialy with ldap queries
the getLDAPAttributes functions fails :-(
error popup messages is:
"Error: getLDAPAttributes failed: TypeError:
Components.classes[LDAPURLContractID] has no properties"
Any clues on that (I did removed the --disable-ldap in compile options !)
Autoconfig for firefox is VERY well documented on
but it doesn't uses ldap functions ... but maybe I'am out of subject here , I
should propably open a bug report on firefox, but if you have an idea before ...
that would help .
