Comment 124 for bug 233901

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In , Nickolay Ponomarev (asqueella) wrote :

Some feedback
1) there're also [mozilla app directory]/greprefs/*.js which are common among
all gecko applications [except Minimo, there's a bug on that, iirc], and which
also used to set default values.
2) in firefox extensions can have their own default preferences set in
[extension dir]/defaults/preferences/*.js, where [extension dir] is ususally
[profile]/extensions/[extension GUID], but may also be in [app
dir]/extensions/[GUID] for global installations, I think.
3) "A preferences file is a simple JavaScript file" is quite confusing. It isn't
Javascript file anymore. It used to be, that's where .js extension and some of
syntax come from. But it's not JS, it is parsed not by js but by another
(simpler) parser.
4) A link to (unless something better is put on and a notice about about:config
<> would be nice.
5) nit: "In the profile directory are two user pref files: prefs.js and user.js.
prefs.js is automatically generated ". A new line after the first sentence would
make the reading easier, I think. (ie. "user.js\n prefs.js") The dot separating
two sentences is not visible enough (as there are too many dots nearby :)
6) "None <a href="#filew-def-special">platform-specific</a> .js". The target
anchor does not exist in the document.
7) "Usually when the user specifically commits a preference change via user
interface such as the Preferences dialog, the application saves the change by
overwriting prefs.js". Suggesting <em>Ususually</em>. For example, changing it
from about:config doesn't seem to rewrite prefs.js on current trunk firefox
build. Clicking ok in options dialog does rewrite it though. In fact the rewrite
only happens *only* when nsIPrefService::savePrefFile(null) is called. Afaik,
many/most extensions don't do that.
8) "Note: <b>Note</b> preference names are case-sensitive."
9) "If you have Mozilla 1.4". Moz 1.4 or later or Firefox