Comment 4 for bug 127833

Revision history for this message
M. Salivar (mfsalivar) wrote :

I have the same problem. Arch Linux and Windows versions of Firefox work fine, but in Ubuntu I have the exact same symptoms. A feeling of a dead link and long delays when installing any extensions or themes. That includes Qute, Adblock Plus, Open Book, Fasterfox, and Flashblock.

This has also occurred on two separate systems, first with a Beta 3 installation on one, and now with the official release on a client's machine. This has me thinking it's a network glitch of some sort, maybe I'll try Suse 10.3 tomorrow and take a machine to work on Saturday. My network is pretty simple, but maybe there's a patch being used by Novell and Canonical that's not getting along with my router. A Feisty install works fine on a third machine on the same network.