Comment 1 for bug 184463

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markba (mark-baaijens) wrote :


Apparently, the mentioned folder disappears after a reboot. Strange thing is that simple stopping and starting the server does *not* remove the folder, but as mentioned, a reboot does remove the folder.

So, it was not sufficient to create and set rights to the folder once.
In a workaround, I modified /etc/init.d/firebird1.5-super:
added lines (just before the case construct):

# Workaround for disappearing folder
if [ ! -d /var/run/firebird1.5 ]
  mkdir -p /var/run/firebird/1.5
  chown firebird /var/run/firebird/1.5/

Note that this is only a workaround. The real problem IMO is that the folder is removed, somewhere in the reboot proces. It's not in the init-script (/etc/init.d/firebird1.5-super), so it should happen somewhere else.