Comment 1 for bug 159002

Revision history for this message
Frau Kuchen (j-vogt) wrote :

Hello all,

I think, I have the same problem here on my computer.

With Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, 7.04 Destop x86 a Firebird 1.5.3 server runs well.

With Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon, 7.10 Destop x86 Firebird server won't run after reboot. I have tried and tested two kinds of firebird.

sudo apt-get install firebird2.0-super


sudo apt-get install firebird1.5-super

After installation several files and folders are available:

/usr/lib/firebird/2.0/help/ (a link to: /var/lib/firebird/2.0/system)
/usr/lib/firebird/2.0/run/ (a link to: /var/run/firebird/2.0) <----- Important!
/usr/lib/firebird/2.0/aliases.conf (a link to: /etc/firebird/2.0/aliases.conf)
/usr/lib/firebird/2.0/firebird.conf (a link to: /etc/firebird/2.0/firebird.conf)
/usr/lib/firebird/2.0/firebird.log (a link to: /var/log/firebird2.0.log)
/usr/lib/firebird/2.0/firebird.msg (a link to: /usr/share/firebird/2.0/firebird.msg)
/usr/lib/firebird/2.0/security2.fdb (a link to: /var/lib/firebird/2.0/system/security.fdb)

sudo dpkg-reconfigure firebird2.0-super
 * Firebird 2.0 server manager not running.
 * Firebird 2.0 server manager not running.
 * Starting Firebird 2.0 server manager... [ ok ]
 * Firebird 2.0 server manager already running.

top -b -n1 | grep -i fb
 6344 firebird 25 0 3940 1428 1176 S 0.0 0.1 0:00.00 fbguard
 6345 firebird 18 0 53244 4432 3080 S 0.0 0.4 0:00.03 fbserver

That is fine.

Now I reboot my machine and the following files and folders are missing.


The document tells me, that all files under this directory (/var/run/) must be cleared (removed or truncated as appropriate) at the beginning of the boot process.

What can I do to avoid the problems with firebird?

I try the following command (after reboot).

top -b -n1 | grep -i fb

sudo /etc/init.d/firebird2.0-super start
 * Starting Firebird 2.0 server manager... [ ok ]

This information above is wrong because the firebird server hasn't start.

top -b -n1 | grep -i fb

Best regards,

Frau Kuchen

p.s. When I install firebird over synaptic then several links are broken. That is worse.