Comment 24 for bug 772873

Revision history for this message
Josh (majik) wrote :

Wow that only took six major revisions and three years.

I originally reported this in Intrepid in 2008 when Compiz was originally added to the repos. Since then it's gone through three years of "this isn't our responsibility" and "this can't be reproduced" and "this should be filed upstream."

I've lost count of how many bugs I've opened only to have them immediately closed by the surrounding "not my problem" field.

One more thing:

This is a huge, major feature that is totally and completely broken.

Isn't there something more we can do other than just gently placing it on the desktop team's radar?

Kind of seems like now that we're forced to use compositing in the default window manager this should be called a show stopper bug: We're rolling out an operating system with a major feature that is broken out of the box.